Ring Master

Those are all titles from my right wing grift podcast

I'd listen and repeat the points on namafia.com as if they were my own

No matter how inane

Nope you remove religion and humans need something else to believe in so they push this gay shit on kids. That's not education that's indoctrination into a cult

I promise you that telling kids gay people exist is not remotely comparable to allow jesus in your heart or burn in hell.

Who cares if β– β– β– β–  exist. I don't care that β– β– β– β–  exist. I care the β– β– β– β–  keep telling me they exist. Stop being such a β– β– β–  Huber

You will never be anything to anyone except a stupid loser spectacle.

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at least im that. Hey man they were able to trick 60%+ of people to get a fake vaccine for a fake virus. To think lgbtr isnt another psyop is well, some one who would get vaccinated.

aka its a joke full of donkey teachers

I want you to understand that you would never pass 100 in an IQ test. You are posting Jordan Peterson on NAMafiA.
You are not human, you never were. You are a lower class.

kek big mad

Not mad, it's just genuinely embarrassing that a brainlet like you still posts on this forum despite literally everyone mocking you.
You're the butt of every joke. Nobody here likes you, nobody here respects you. Get a grip man, you're pathetic.

who moks me vaccinated libs?

Bark bark bark peirducha

Liberals, conservatives, any political affiliation your ant brain can think of; None of them want to be associated with you.

I assure you that definitely nobody on this forum takes you or anything you say seriously, you're a joke that's been going on for too long. You always have been.
How have you not realized this yet? You're just a gimmick and a clown. We don't view you as one of us, you're on the same level as Refspi.

all publicity is good publicity my friend :)

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We’re all performers in the great circus we call life

hes just mad i have the best thread of the year

You can keep telling yourself that while you get used like a puppet for site activity.
I just want you to not forget that you're the dirt under our boots on this forum.

who are you again?

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our resident successful indie game developer. He was recently featured on multiple large platforms