RIP iNcontrol

a sad reality we will have to face as more gamers die at a young age.

Idk man you're coming to a lot of conclusions. First it was the gamer lifestyle now he's using dirty needles? You know shit like this can just happen to unlucky people right? Like this is all fine if you're talking about someone obviously unhealthy (like boogie) but incontrol was pretty serious about his health. maybe if he was a national park ranger instead of video game entertainer he'd still be alive right xd

I was really blown away by this. also i just saw some other responses but it look like incontrol died from a complication that arose from a clot in his leg. Spooky shit to me as a guy who likes sitting for long periods of time

My only conclusion really is that nobody should be dying in their 30s to a "sudden illness". I am attempting to rationalize that conclusion via understanding the circumstances of this guys life, in order to understand why someone would die suddenly in their 30s.

Boogie is still alive, doesnt that say something? The human body is very resilient, so its a very tragic death. I dont believe in people randomly being smited by being unlucky and just unluckiness. You have to always be in a situation that prepared you to be a victim of misfortune just as much as fortune in order for luck to begin.

Wrote it for the reddit gold

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It definitely happens. I can talk from personal experience that sometimes people just get sick and die.

no one tell him guys

average rootcatz behavior

Catz was my favorite

You know the gamer lifestyle isn't that much different than the wageslave away at your desk for 14 hours and then sit in your car trapped in gridlok traffic for another 2-3 lifestyle.

even if the man literally killed himself and was 100% responsible it'd be nasty and disgraceful to blame and guilt them in their memorial thread


omg.... I started my entire esports shit fucking with him and others. omg..... no.

im trying to prevent future tragedies such as this.

no you’re concern trolling. Fuck off

aneurysms are a good example of tragedies that aren't particularly lifestyle related
clots in the legs could have turned into an embolism and blocked his arteries/heart and insta-death'd him.. most commonly related to sedentary lifestyle but can happen to anyone who spends a lot of time sitting whether it's at work home or airplanes
in any case.. sad story :L


A lot of people are going to miss him.


fucking hell


aneurysms scare the shit outta me