RIP iNcontrol

hey if anyones gonna make a heartfelt tribute video that isnt for the clout its day9

its hard not to be sad if you knew incontrol real well and how much joy he brought ya

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i ran into day9 walking outta ti5. had a short chat with him, it was great. i love him. incontrol was just so charismatic, i cant imagine a world of starcraft without him and i dont think day9 can either

memers on reddit are trying to get blizzard to retire GM slot 88 to him and it actually sounds like a good idea/apt tribute

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Itā€™s absolute e-sports career suicide to come out and say anything bad about him. He has become the ambassador for SC2, has become a bankable broadcaster and has made himself a tidy sum of money because he was in the right place, in the right time, doing the right thing. Now Iā€™ve only met him once and on that occasion he put his hand in my face and told me he wouldnā€™t talk to me. Iā€™m not a fan, I donā€™t drool over what he does, I think if he did it in any other industry other than e-sports heā€™d be deemed fairly average. I wasnā€™t trying to get an autograph. It was a hello from one member of the press to the other. This qualifies as the single rudest person I've met in e-sports... I mean, talk to the hand? What the fuck?

Now, when I go to events Iā€™m approached just the same by all sorts of people. People who want to be unbanned, people who want my opinion about their shitty little mix team, fellow writers who want me to have a look at their stuff, gamers who have heard rumours about me, people who want to tell me to my face why Iā€™m wrong and people who are threatening to hit me. Even with that last option Iā€™ll talk civilly and Iā€™d be astounded, genuinely, if you could find many people out there who could say Iā€™ve been rude to them. Even people I have cross words with usually end up on a night out with me as way of an apology. E-sports is a small, small place. Thereā€™s no status and no celebrity. Weā€™re just guys.

Many people approached me after that rudeness to make apologies for him. Then I asked around and found out it wasnā€™t an isolated incident, that at events where heā€™d worked heā€™d been behaving like a prima donna, that heā€™d been extremely rude to people who were paying him to work for them. No-one wants to believe it because of how he comes across in his little Youtube videos but itā€™s obvious based on what Iā€™ve heard that heā€™s a phony, as fake as those crocodile tears he likes to sporadically burst into whenever he feels he needs to prove just what a nice caring guy he is.

I doubt heā€™ll lose any sleep about anyone criticising him because heā€™s in an unassailable position. Still, I canā€™t abide people who think theyā€™re some kind of rock star because they are a big deal in e-sports. Frankly, itā€™s embarrassing.

LMAO i have no idea how i missed that shit when it first came out but reading people talk about this is pretty funny

im in love w tasteless so by extension i gotta love day9. thats just how it is sometimes.



i should actually use my standing desk

I do want to say this is a wake up to the gaming profession. It will literally kill you.

his lifestyle may have contributed to him getting the clots but the first time that happened was in 2013 and according to his wife he took them very seriously and did everything he was told to do. it still took him down.

i think that's just tragic, not anything he did wrong. he's not even the stereotypical gamer because he was very much into lifting and wrestling and things like that. dirty needles? the fuck are you talking about. why do you even post this shit honestly

Who isn't in love with tasteless


Never liked day9

Incontrol was pretty good now that I'm remembering

Seemed like a genuine person

ill hit you with my dick

the guy was also a warhammer buff. Dude had probably been sitting painting making models and gaming for like 75-80% of his life.