roguelike general

Who are we gonna sound like when we form our midwest super group

I was thinking we get a female vocalist and sound like kittyhawk or empire! empire! or some shit

depends how voided we are lol.

part of me wants to make pop songs part of me wants to make noise rock.

are u thinking what im thinking



been playing this its absolutely fantastic

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caves of qud is amazing

cogmind is great

cataclysm is great

i actually had a total blast playing DoomRL and it's free

but why does nobody ever talk about Dwarf Fortress Adventurer Mode? The sheer scale and possibilities. The wrestling system. Chopping enemies limbs off one by one. Totally breaking the game by becoming a vampire and learning necromancy. It's gr8


holy shit i'm so glad someone here has played these games! qud and cogmind have both captured me intensely at some point, they're fantastic. i'm literally just trying cdda for the first time, might try doomrl at some point but i've heard almost nothing about it. I think Qud is just one of the best games i've ever played maybe. Really excited for full release / new ui / DLC etc.

I have never tried dwarf fortress (yet), it looks like it may be too much for me

if u can handle caves of qud i think u can handle DF. it's got "more shit" but there's a different mindset to that game. it's total unstructured freedom and you just pick your own objective and fuck around until everything goes to shit or you get bored.

the only thing with it is that playing it with the wiki on the side is essential.

my only dig against that game that has kept me from playing it is i hate building things

Learning Cataclysm is a real pain in the ass there are so many keybinds and systems

just tried this on steam early access it's pretty fun

i kinda wanna try Loop Hero

it's pretty good if you like auto battlers and deck builders. i enjoyed the game though i found the meta progression tedious at times

honestly i dont like either so i'm gonna pass on it for now.

Transcendence us an extremely dope "roguelike" based on one of my favorite childhood game series (escape velocity/ev nova)

Rift Wizard is so sick.

recommending for any fans of oldschool crpgs/roguelikes

also buy me loop hero some1

surely it'll go on sale

yeh i will w8

when is steam gonna take my crypto bags