Roragok's Mafia #23 Day 4

Sure, It’s One Game. And Our Interactions were only a game Day. But these and other actions youve done are all indicative of the same kind of character – a clown who dances around for nobody’s amusement (kyle pre-cognizance)

Hey, Hey Everyone Jacob Is Composing A Message HAhaa Look Pointing It Out For The AUdience

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Sorry - Bigbenny has just come online and was incorrectly suspended

I moved a thread of yours to spam and he made another in general, thats against the rules. If you try to circumvent that I’ll just turn on the acceptance queue with no problems.

Actually its not a big deal, he has some discussion to share. Jones is the only account that created any real mess. But you should pm me in the future instead of trying to sign up again on a new account.

His thread was different from mine and comedic repetitive emphasis for the audience.
You obviously made a mistake by thinking he moved his thread and are attempting to grasp at imaginary rules by saying “he shouldn’t of made a thread after I moved one of yours” which doesn’t make sense.
What rule does that refer to may I ask? We should move this into PM really - to not clog up this thread.

Oh, ok. Nevermind then.

I attempted to PM you but the way your banning system works is it doesn’t even let me log in. It muffles any attempt to communicate.

I know that may not be your fault. Will help with your forum software on that issue soon.

Hm, thanks for letting me know. i think theres a better way of going about that

Lol, i’ll believe it when you show me a screenshot of your console with all the necessary pieces :slight_smile:

You believe I will help you with your forum software?

No, not anymore. I offered you the opportunity of proving yourself better than a monkey but nothings really changed of course

What do you mean? I possess better coding ability than you I was simply busy the last few days. Are you angry at me due to the mafia game? You do know that’s my playstyle right hahaha! I had to remove the corrupt town from the game as soon as possible and you lost fair and square.

It’s not like it’s hard to set up or anything. Is it hard for you? Did you not go to computer school?

I did set it up. I’m in the field currently

  1. The one lead I had other than slowdive was you and I had the full right to think you’re mafia. Just because I was wrong doesn’t mean I was ruining the game, people make mistakes - and you removing all blame from yourself for getting lynched is a mistake.
    I do not need to engage with mafia to know who is mafia, this was never a necessary part of the game. In fact, a viable strategy is to let mafia “pocket” you and then turn on them.

  2. I didn’t lead people to make mistakes other than lynching you. If people really followed my lead as you say they would’ve lynched slowdive day 2, but they were all too inactive.
    “Overposting” does not derail discussion. It does not stop people from posting, there is no limit to how many posts can be made in a day. I was “Sparring” with everyone, you just didn’t see it because you weren’t paying enough attention to the game.
    I am not bringing Hubris, I am defending myself and the fundamentals of the game of Mafia.


Typical response. 15th time now?

funny to see you actually try to troll while your troll friend doesn’t even bother with the same courtesy. it’s a shame, it would be much easier to take you seriously if you both cared about mafia like that.