Roragok's Mafia #26

Jarls of Burfell


A cold winter approaches Skoro the capital city of Burfell. King Thorfinn Isleifson third of his name sits upon the throne. He is the last of his name bearing no child to succeed the throne. He is known as a benevolent ruler and much loved by, the common folk. However, that has often left him at ends with the nobles of the realm. Thorfinn has called for an assembly of his Jarl's to determine a line of succession. Make no doubt that these ten men hold the most power in the realm after the King.

There are two notable contenders among the Jarl's summoned to the assembly. These two Jarl’s could be said to rival the King in terms of influence among those with power in the realm. First would be the Jarl of Skrattafell, who is said to be a disbanded of giants. Rumors among the common folk quickly circulated that Jarl of Skrattafell is over 7 feet tall. This had given rise to the nickname of "The Mountain of Skrattafell". The Mountain was the former military commander of the Burfell. He was granted the title of Jarl to appease him and his supporters, after the tragic incident of Gulfaldar.

Unbeknownst to King Thorfinn, The Mountain lead a raid against the outlying town of Gulfaldar. The Mountain received an unconfirmed report of an assassination plot against the King. Acting without proper reconnaissance, he lead a contingent of the Kings Army off in the middle of the night. Their arrival at Gulfaldar marks the beginning of a night of tragedy, that is still mourned by the common folk of the realm. Gulfaldar, a small port town, had roughly a population of 60. The Mountain herded the men and boys into the local shrine. The women were less fortunate and did not receive the quick death the men did. After raping and pillaging the town, the Mountain and his men torched the city.

The King was heartbroken after this act. However, to appease the court and the rest of the nobles he had few choices on how to handle the situation. Ultimately, the King has but one choice. The Mountain was shipped off to the military town of Skrattafell and granted the title of Jarl. While, he has autonomous rule over Skrattafell, he still begrudgingly holds disdain for the King. The Mountain has notable support from the Military officials still in the King's Court. If it went down to a plurality vote it could be wagered that he would contain over 40 percent of the vote.

The second big contender for the the position would be the Jarl of Hofstaoir. He is smaller than the Jarl of Skrattafell, but that by no means makes him short. At one point he was the King's right hand man. He attended the daily court meetings and was in charge of the purse of Burfell. He gained the nickname "The Financier". His aggressive policies in the city of Ormasa caused a local riot among the common folk in the city. His policies could be seen as favoring the merchants and increased taxes heavily on feed and farming necessities. The townsfolk unable to keep up with the demands of the Jarl, united under the banner of a local mercenary.

A traveling mercenary, lead the revolt against the local government of Ormasa. The mercenary won fame for his heroics in the previous war against the English. He received honors and the nickname "The Maul",, mainly due to his weapon of choice. He is rumored to have slain over 100 Englishmen in a single battle himself. It was unclear whether The Maul, started the revolt for the right reasons, or was just looking for a fight. The Maul lead his band against the local guard and in one fateful night, eliminated the guard house. The King upon hearing the news, was forced into action.

Distraught, that it had come to this he marched his 3000 strong army into the city. King Thorfinn. He loved all the people of the realm, and was saddened that it had come to this. It was clear to see he truly cared for his citizens. Perhaps because he had no children, but it was considered a rare trait for rulers.

The King lead his army to Ormasa and forced the small rebellion to end. The terms of agreement was that "The Maul" would be allowed to be banished, instead of executed if only for respect for his former battle honors. The Financier, would be granted the title of Jarl and shipped of the Hofstaoir. The Financier was displeased with the King’s action, but was unable to challenge his decision. The Financier still holds notable support with the nobles, traders guild, and merchants of the realm. A rough estimate of his support in court would be around 45 percent of the court.

However there is a single outlier left among the Jarls. Jarl Olfeig Hroksson of Kvia. He can be seen as the Kings preferred successor, however he does not have support of the court or nobles of the realm. He is a short, but stout man with undying loyalty to the realm. He took the position of Jarl out of personal request of the King. He is noted for reviving the town of Kvia and truly caring for the citizens of his city. His ruling decisions often favor the common folk, much to the displeasure of the nobles of the town.

He is also known for his unwavering faith and trust in the laws of the land. He upholds the laws to the letter and has earned him the name "Olfeig the Just"/. While he obeys the laws to the letter, this has often left him at odds with the court. He does not have much support in the court or with the nobles of the realm. However he is quite visibly the King's preferred successor. He believes that Olfeig would truly care for the citizens and put Burfell on the correct path.

The ten Jarl's of Burfell now head towards Skoro, behest the king's summons. The fate of the realm is now in flux. Never before has so much of the realms influential players been in one location at the same time. The future of Burfell is now at stake and the town grows eerie as the Jarls, begin to trickle in. It takes around two fortnights for the Jarls to assemble in Skoro. The taverns have become quiet and the common folk are town is clearly nervous, as they go about their daily routine. Tomorrow is the day of summons.

The last of the Jarls entered Skoro, to begin the discussions with the King. All nine of the Jarls of Burfell are assemble in one place. This has not happened since the last war against the English. A feeling of dread and uneasiness fall over the citizens of Skoro as the fate of their realm lies in the balance.

The King greets all nine jarls with a small banquet in the main hall on the eve of the assembly. The hall is filled with laughter and boisterous stories. As night approaches the Jarls and the King's Court retire to their respective rooms for the evening. Tomorrow begins what will most likely be a long and arduous meeting to determine the new ruler of Burfell.

As morning falls upon Skoro, the Captain of the Guard sends his men to retrieve the Jarls and summon them to the meeting chamber. A few of the Jarls arrive faster than others, while a few seem to be lagging behind. Suddenly, one of the Captain's men slams the double doors open and comes bursting into the room. Panting and out of breathe he hurriedly salutes the Captain and begins to tell them his report. "Sir..Jarl dead". He was found dead in his bed with two knives in his heart. A shocked room gasps at the situation as they begin to look at one another. It doesn't take long for the other eight Jarls to start pointing fingers at one another.

Who could have done such a thing?

GAME IS 10v2v2v1

Town Role PMs


Jarl PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Jarl.


You have no abilities other than your voice and your vote.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.


King PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are King Thorfinn.


At Day1 start the admin will declare who you are.
You have no abilities other than your voice and your vote.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.


Bodyguard PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Bodyguard.


At Night you can choose to protect someone. If your target is a victim of a night attack, you will die instead.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

Captain of the Guard

Captain of the Guard PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are the Captain of the Guard.


At night you can detain someone for questioning.
This roleblocks the target
You will receive a result of Loyal or Disloyal

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

Commander of Hunter's Guiild

Tracker PM

Welcome, [Player Name], you are the Commander of the Hunter's Guild.


Once per night you may follow someone.
You will learn who that person visited that night.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.


There are two sets of Jarl/Thane


Jarl PM

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Jarl, along with your thane, [Player Name]

Factional Communication: Each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
Investigation Immunity - You will come up loyal to Captains questioning.

Win condition:

You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.


Thane PM

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Thane, along with your Jarl, [Player Name]

Factional Communication: Each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.

Win condition:

You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

The Maul

Maul PM

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a The Maul

Plot - Each night you may pick a target to kill. Target does not die until you execute.
Execute - Instead of Plotting you can execute and kill each player you have plotted against.

Win condition:

You win when all the Jarls are dead.

Alive Players


Mafia must also eliminate the other Mafia faction to win


@im_cool_your_weird as King Thorfinn

Day 1 Start

Day Will last until October 16, 2018 2:00 PM or until Majority Lynch

Majority Lynch is 8

Jarl here

I am the King Thorfinn.

You lied to me.


You said I would be guaranteed mafiam

You’re in mafia right now.

Oh that’s what you meant

Jdance seems very eager to play. Is this newfound motivation coming from the fact that he just rolled scum? Time will tell…

We REALLY need reactoins back.


Virgin islands

Lynch Lucky Artist

day one lynches are the following (without ordering): Gamut, Lucky Artist, BazingaBoy, yns, ian.

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As an aside, you are all welcome to cheat in this mafia game on this teamspeak addr: