Roragok's Mafia #26

You're not wrong there.

Trust me I am not

Glad you’re back to scumreading me though

it was very EERIE when he wasn’t


So the sk is like a Pyro on crack since he can ignite infinitely lol this feels super scum sided how does town win this with only a tracker and cop where half the scum have investigative immunity.

Hello I require the proper welcome for a jarl.

Isn’t this kind of bogus anyway? I thought there couldn’t be so many jarls in a town… jarls like rule a town or village, kind of as a duke would, no? Under a king. I’m going back to my estates fuck this town.

Can the maul win with town? It says killing all the jarl’s. So they need to kill citizen jarls and the 2 evil jarls?

It seems implied.

You know what’s eerie? Klaze didn’t post a game solve in his first post. How are we supposed to win?

He doesn’t always do that in fact I’d wager he does it more as non town affiliated roles.

updated my journal

Low key jdance is giving me a scum vibe I’m not gunna lie.

I know you’re going to claim I’m just exe but I’m not.

N1. Nma - your target is a memeber of the mafia!
Goodluck town.

Is this some ToS reference? I don’t understand.

Ur jester playing dumb

I don’t believe there are any jesters. Why would someone claim you are exe, and what is an exe?

scribbles down notes in her journal furiously

Lynch klaze

What are you writing? Let me see.