Roragok's Mafia #26

How would I “know that”?

Confirmed town: Deepthroat, LuckyArtist, Matticus
Confirmed Mafia: Nyte
Today’s lynch: Bazingaboy

if bazinga flips captain, we kill q0q15 next day?


Lynch bazingaboy

Why are girls with fucked up posture so rare

We got one right here hahaha

Just lynch nmagane

Fucking confirmed town
He’s switching from “100% town” to “confirmed town” Jesus Christ.

Nyte are you sweating right now?

why? he was the other captain claim

for the record I think q0q15 is much more likely to be captain so it’s not like I’m sus of him or anything

Love how you’re confirming three fucking random players. If your read is scum on me then I can 100% tell your others are right!

Your extreme ignorance of language and grammar are embarrassing to say the least.
You can’t say “100% town: Deepthroat” but you would have to say “Deepthroat is 100% town” - and I wanted to make a List of people so it was preferable to make it so the list trails at the end of the line.

Nytes exasperated breathing is currently humidifying the entire earth. Thanks for that, Nyte.

I don’t think he’s a priority lynch even if he is lying about his claim.

I’ve never been this mean before I’m kind of enjoying it

They’re not three random players.

i don’t actually care about the opposing scum factions dude so your baiting is just dumb. You’re scum, period.

What does this even mean? This is just gibberish. You are the mafia and you might've just admitted it? I really don't think you can properly write a sentence.

Wait I have definitely been this mean before it’s just been a while

LMAO someone who’s likely scum or the maul is “not a priority”

A towny isn’t fake claiming (I would think)
Not even jones does that when he’s simply town.

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