Roragok's Mafia #26

I mean I could still be wrong about you but in terms of what you’re capable of? q0q15 has literally made up that someone griefed his account and everyone is eating it up no problem. He sheeped deepthroat twice on two retarded ass lynches and claimed to have been hungover

(btw friend also lynched Ian)

Jones has looked awful today, you’re right. But that doesn’t mean bazinga hasn’t as well (albeit less so), or that either should be the lynch todah

Well you would be the only one who can tell us if he is really hungover or not.

Y’all are dumbos lynch friend

Friend, in the off chance you are town you should say something.

Why do pipsqueaks keep getting mafia? When are some real alpha niggas gonna get mafia?

Actually, I think that’s hammer.

U guys should kill bazinga

If you keep pushing this you’re mafia. Are you jones partner?

Is deepthroats vote still on friend? Because if yes then @roragok or @SOPHIE should close the thread

I think the captain should visit stove or jdance
Hmmm stove jdance yns

The problem with this little idea that we shouldn’t lynch the (confirmed) scum in the captain cc is that it’s playing ignorant of the fact that the opposing factions may be trolling (ie: if Nma and q0 are on different sides but causing both to nk out of the pool)
It makes me suspicious of deepthroat. He pushed very hard. They are going to mess with everyone again on the next nk and the with qo’s captain claim.

Hope I die cuz you guys got issues with how this is playing out.

You’re going to waste a visit if either PR targets me. I’m town.

My suggestion for captain: pick 1 in the pool of (gamut, nmagane, jdance)

I’m presuming tracker got a confirmed target already from the captains, so I would suggest tracker also target in that pool.

Why are you scum reading yns again? I haven’t seen you push that slot much.

She’s reading the heavy push on Bazinga as a tell that he is q0q’s partner. IMO It’s weak because it’s the same as assuming she’s scum for pushing q0q and partner with Bazinga.

Either one is possible but seems too obvious to me. I like to play like scum is deceiving me.

Because he’s tunneling bazinga in a way that I feel is unusual for him. he wouldn’t normally give a pass to goyclub and he should especially know q0q15’s antics are off kilter. He must not have read my post about captaining klaze (I suspected him as being the tracker for asking)
It’s a fairly simple path for the captain to target klaze.

Here is my take on the situation. q0q15 is scum, without doubt. He could be maul or mafia. I think this nearly confirms bazinga as captain because I would IMAGINE, after one night of not revealing, the actual captain would come out. This makes it easier to assume the path that lead bazinga to check klaze and acknowledge that klaze probably hit someone in his reads that got him nk’d

There IS the possibility that we’re being trolled beyond belief, and nmagane is the actual captain and bazinga is actually scum. Outside of that I think it’s safe to assume bazinga is cleared.

The part where yns says that q0q’s claim is believable is the most damning, and I made note of that too. That could be the best evidence so far against yns.

I’m very convinced that yns is town

Well you’re dumb.

That’s the way I’m leaning too. It seems like a total throw to push this heavy to try to save your partner, when it’ll just be an auto-lynch the next day on your partner and then you.