did you actually believe white americans commit less gun homicides than canadians FUCKING LMAO
this is how his brain works. he just reads shit and accepts it 100% if it lines up with his vague sense of the world
yeah i literally just spent 15 minutes looking at data from 2019, 2020, and the past 30 years combined. literally just made up bullshit with "OECD, WHO, CDC" photoshopped at the bottom. lmao. what fucking year is that even supposed to be from? or what group of years?
typical garbage nonsense, takes 5 seconds to tell a lie that a certain amount of people will just automatically believe if they read it, takes 20 minutes to disprove. go fuck yourself
The best response to those "certain people" is to tell them to go back to Reddit.
They'll cower and shrivel in fear.
like this:
only kat liked the post so go harass him
yourmom dot com
Wow 9 posts in a row
Hate that I liked the above post but too petty to give it a heart
namafia forums are healing
90% of moderator infractions are committed by the 1 black user on this forum
I'm coptic.
he's talking about kat
yes, you cope. we know