Shut up

It’s unbelievable, but it happened

hope jdance is going strong

literally where did you get that graph? the numbers dont line up with a single thing i read

the las vegas shooter ALONE killed more people than have died by guns in a year in Canada

okay that's apparently not actually true, the number of people dying each year here is higher than I thought (around 270 avg). but still. your graph is wrong and whoever gave it to you is full of shit

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I telepathically acquired this knowledge from the woke cia (hillary is forcing them to hide this information)

Source: I made it up

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no but you probably saw the image on /pol/ or somewhere similar and actually believed it was true

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Even if it’s not true, it’s heart was in the right place

Here’s the actual numbers, the bottom is white, I’m sure you can figure out which one is black.

Source: I made it up

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23x14 Finland 2015 2.41

23x12 Canada 2018 1.94

23x15 France 2014 2.33

23x12 Croatia 2016 2.83

23x15 Austria 2016 2.75

So basically, the graph somehow stumbled into basically being true however it did underrepresent the white statistic. After looking at the numbers white American gun homicide rate per 100,000 is only slightly above European counties which isn’t too bad considering we have like hundreds of millions of guns in our country. If we got rid of the nig gers then gun violence really wouldn’t be an issue.


wow so white american men kill 10x as many people as canadians do all year. incredible. so your post was wrong and you're a fucking idiot who posts fake shit

the rest of the stuff is just you coping and seething and trying to salvage the fact you're a moron who posts fake shit

if you were smarter this could be a teachable moment but i don't think you'll ever change

i mean millions of Christians decided they'd rather denounce the pope than denounce bigotry. shits hilarious. you give me big that energy (while claiming to be christian)

Do you know what per capita means or are you being dumb on purpose