Signaled [FINALE]

So you’re belittling the new player then. Nice

The nmagane blocking everyone on the forum arc actually sucks dick

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no I'm belittling the ■■■■■■ anonymous alt account

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I’ll turn it off later haha

Day 2 should’ve ended later and probably would’ve changed things thanks to the jdance blunder. No wonder he was trying

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That’s the jdance scum read. He actually cares


You guys had no team

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It was over before it even began

That’s not the spirit

Also he deleted the private message where i asked him to make me mafia lol

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I think

Time to unmod this guy for rigging games

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Jdance is trolling in the postgame

Move this thread to the lounge please.

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He and nyte had both already played against their wincon - pulling votes off of a winning train for example. Train would win the game, they each pull votes off

Jdance was mostly trolling nyte the whole game. Idk what nyte was doing

There is a moment where nyte tries to hammer (■■■ I think) winning the game and jdance pulls his vote right as she does it

This is like early-mid day 2 (mylo but nobody in the town pointed out they could skip a kill that day to get better conditions for lylo) before I say anything in scum chat

Then when I do say something in scum chat, it's because I've realized town is 100% going to lynch town and lose the game, the game is basically already over, and I wanted you all to have a chance to actually catch a scum. So I added basically a postgame of a few hours where you could say who you think scum are (including dead players) which I think is fun. Sorry you got your panties in a bunch over this, just trying to give you a decent experience playing mafia on the website and not have an ultra-demoralizing game where town lynches town 2 days in a row and then the game ends

Not putting Seth as the day 1 NK - yep same thing, new player joins the website, I want him to have at least a day to play. I say hey can you guys not put him as day 1. They change it.

All the host actions I do are to try to make the experience fun on the website, obv I won't be doing anything again any time soon because the response of people is outright rude/trolling

And yea jdance is having a blast stirring the pot, it's basically bad sportsmanship he's riding the high of feeling like he fucked around and tricked all of you in this game and he can't stop and is now trying to wreak havoc on the postgame. GPT3 poster, just posting like a lunatic and hoping something gets him some attention

One criticism that I accept as good feedback is the timing of EOD2

My schedule is so crazy now that the times that work for me as a host to be present in the thread & respond to thread events aren't really convenient times for all of you

So I apologize for all of that, the EOD2 time kinda griefed you

Though to be fair by that point you already had mafia pulling their votes instead of hammering a train that would win the game

My comments to not treat EOD2 as end of game were within a couple hours of the end of day 2, by that point mafia was just fucking around and had a clear path to win town and win the game

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EoD1 was also terribly early.

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Yeah my bad

I'm just looking at the PM posting and understanding jdance is trying to snake his way out of matty's reprisal for intentionally griefing the game / not playing to his wincon by making it look like I ordered him to do that in scum chat

Which is a deliberate mis-ordering of events. Jdance played the day that way/pulled his vote to grief (or for attention from) Nyte - which is allowed on this website. But I definitely wasn't in the scum chat ordering him to do it

At the end of the day, I told them not to gloat after the obvious town lynch because of my intention to give town a little fun couple hours to pick the scum instead of just ending the game immediately.

Jdance and Nyte's day play was entirely their own doing. As was town's lol

Literally nobody cares.

Thank you. I care though. I don't want Matty to have a bad time and I definitely don't want him to think I want him to have a bad time.