Signaled [FINALE]

NMA griefed since his role pm was real. The only way to play around it is to zeus him or post a photoshopped pm, which I did.

Thank you for saving the game's integrity by posting your role PM.

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You too. Thanks for saving the integrity of the game by not zeusing him.


Thank you guys for being my friends.

To be fair town needed all the help it could get.

Even with 2 people cleared by PM cheating and an extra postgame to pick out the scum, town caught 0 scum this game.

Maybe next game we should have more cheating so that town has a chance.

whomst is they

Both Matti and NMA did the PM cheat in this game

Which by the way applies to every game because in every game you can show your PMs to prove you are not in a mafia chat

I just realized Matty edited the image to show a night chat. That's pretty funny

when did he do that

idk my stance is its not tolerated and its part of why i want to host larger games

I never knew that.

yes I get it, like I can't really zeus in a game like this or it just griefs the game

But how are you going to host larger games, where are the people who are going to populate a large game


i said wanted to, i obviously get it

im sittin here invitin people all the time. where are YOUR invites

It also feels like for as many people as we add/attract back to the site, after games there are always just as many that are like Yea that's my last game Forever.

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ive only really felt that way about games that were griefed by OGI or really bad teammates (even then its usually OGI over the other)

it doesnt help that nmagane is xenophobic and wont accept anyway new to the site without causing issues

I don't have online friends or really a presence online aside from showing up for these once ina while

I could invite my irl friends but they are honestly crazier than people here and I don't want to spend any more time with them than I already do

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atleast those players in any case usually follow the simple rules

this is a you problem and 100% your fault