Signaled [FINALE]

you're right, seth randomly showed up to an old(dead) remake of an old dead dota forum, where no one even plays dota - they don't even play mafia anymore! he doesn't know how to post a picture, and he somehow knows exactly what mafia is, without having any capacity to actually even play or be present to play

let me try and rephrase here
even if seth IS a "real" person
absolutely not even worth entertaining as a mafia player (that you can't nk n1 or ever) he instantly becomes the player you literally kill immediately because he ruins the fucking game being afk the whole time. that is the complaint if you follow the annals of nadotamafia history, feel free to peruse.

i present to you exhibit a: DONDI, matthew's premiere N1 kill. rated easiest vote by quite a number of players.

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if that is your logic then "waiting to hammer" was literally exactly the wincon as proposed by the host and propagated by my mafia partner

this is not very inclusive core of you

i have embraced seth while you have shunned him and you wonder why you're an outcast on this island

Stop I can only drink so much.


@Seth i love you man and if you want to talk about nytes behavior in private messages I am always available. i'm sorry about this


i don't wonder at all, jesus christ

Nyte if you need to talk i am also open. You seem to be having a hard week

Wanna play swarm with me? Its like vampire survivors but in league of legends

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i don't care of seth is a remake of pastel or is an account made by mods or an account made by benny or what have you
functionally a fucking bot

id like to believe in some world you were genuine matthew, but it won't be this one

Seth doesnt really behave like anyone else on this forums history. Wouldnt be surprised if its one of ■■■■ friends


I thought you were the mafia


Hes using phrases that nobody else on the site has ever used too

I have 71% confidence its nobodys alt

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Its also not nice to call strangers bots.

And to add on to that, seth was voting matticus as scum as was bazingaboy (who has played mafia before). Its more or less the only plausible read that they could have in that game state

i ahd already explained why matty was town lo

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My league username is yung thug#NA1 if anyone would like to play swarm.

Congrats on the win. You and Nyte played well.

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my only "plausible" reality for seth is maybe supa returned. i don't even see how that would make much sense considering he would then be pretending not to know me, or this place, or mafia. weird but, if the case, functionally a bot.