Signaled [FINALE]

Post dupe bug because internet is intermittent atm I guess.

I still don't understand why Nyte wanted to vote away from you on D1. Does the NK skip ALSO skip the kill entirely?

Like I was trying to figure that out during D2 but the rules are impenetrable.

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They could’ve misunderstood the game. I’m pretty sure according to the rules it would’ve been a 2k like we’re thinking

If I was the NK anyways it is a confusing format

i dont really understand what you're asking but my interpretation is that

night 1 ONLY:

3 possible outcomes, 1 -
#1 on list is hit
#1 dies (lynched)
#2 dies (auto killed)
#3 dies (auto killed)

2 -
Town not #1 dies
They die (lynched)
#1 on list dies (auto killed)

3 -
Mafia dies
Nobody dies

Night 2 onward:
1 - Town #1 is hit
#1 dies (lynched)
#2 dies (auto killed)
#3 dies (auto killed)
(if the player is already dead it skips them)

2- Mafia dies
Mafia dies
Nobody is killed

You’re the other reason I had a good game. You played well and we almost brought it back

i think i was confused about the rules and probably still am which is why i sussed you for perhaps intentionally misinterpreting them

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Good on you for challenging yourself to solve the puzzle of the mediocre mafia mame mdance

we can all agree the host is ■■■■■■■■


all hosts are bastards

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as stated previously this nightless fad must END

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Sucks to be bboy and Seth (if he really was new) for being mafia partner options when I’m sure the setup was confusing for them. And nyte

Could have just made a plain jane -- honestly that would have been better since none of the rules impacted the game positively.

Nightless has been alright. I like that the game is basically always going no matter when you check in

Is nyte ■■■■■■■■■ What’s his problem?


Honestly Nyte played a much better town than usual that time so I didn't want to vote her. She was actively engaged, justifying her reads, making lists, present EOD, etc.

Well you guys can cry all you want but I didn't invent the setup. Talk to the goy club

@Nyte Also well played that you had the hammer on @SOPHIE for like 10 hours and didn't use it to win. Softened my confidence on you+Bazinga.

Doesnt make sense. She hammers she wins. It cant be nyte. Theres no point to prolong