Signals Day 2 - The Conclusion.

Epok was zeused for locking the thread and it was valid

I don’t think this game is representative of anything

What you did was not bussing, it’s straight up game-ruining to spout both your partners like a retard because you’re getting lynched. You did that in the other game we were scum as well, a bit more subtly but still ruining the game for your partners.

We do have a set of rules. It is the stickied thread.

Locking the thread after hammer because the host was afk?

So we can suspend people from games accordingly with those who infracted.

If the host can send me a list of users to review ty.

Dude go away with your fucking goy club apologist behavior

Read setup idiot

Yns: Temporary ban (screenshot rolepm)
Nma: Temporary ban (griefing)
Benny: Temporary ban (griefing - zeus’ing epok in pure spite because he made comments about the host (or locked thread after EoD which is standard)
Jdance: Warning (posting black cocks)


Active player locking thread after hammer isn’t standard

Roragok gets mad if even a mod outside of the game locks one of his threads

You’re making a wrong assessment because you don’t like benny

You’re trolling to incite responses again? Locking the thread after EoD when all people did was trying to break the mafia bot and posting black cocks isn’t justified?

This is true

Additionally you can’t ban a host for zeusing someone in his own game. You can tell him not to host any more. But benny probably won’t host anyway.

The contract you enter when you sign someone’s game is that you will trust them as a host and consent to live within the bounds of the rules they create - whatever those may be

Do you not understand that dan, one of the mafia players, can’t make the decision to end a day without host approval

I have no doubt it was done with good intentions but it’s pretty clearly not the right idea

This will probably sound contrived in hindsight but I had a lot of shit planned with the first lynch target and the mirror theme which was just fucked due to Epok leading the thread into griefing stuff.

Really sorry to hear that and sorry about what happened with your game


You should have a chat with your friend nma though.

The answer is simple, if Benny ever posts a sign up again someone just post another one and we’ll sign the game that won’t be set up to be a farce