Smoke Signals [POST GAME]

a tryhard vanilla game would be very fun

If you mean Plain Jane (VTs vs Goons) the answer is no. Unfortunately it's a very uninteresting setup for the majority of players here, especially with the types of players on this website.

2 scum 1 sk and a few town PR roles, 1 town with a debuff to rest of town if mislynched

Sounds like what we're doing with the Matrix/Tree games. Just back to oldschool styles.

the general frustrated with life tone in dota comms, calling everyone ■■■■■■■■ all the time, ease of being triggered. not that it's unique to the chair boys but they get a lot to deal with


calling everyone ■■■■■■■■ all the time: playing with nmaGane, toprak, and jcrispy.

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Sorry for ruining the game last night. I genuinely apologize for my misplays.

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not mentioned: lemon, who is no longer played with after 4 years.

i traded at level 2 and went to 0 health and then somehow between 2 minutes and 4 minutes, got zero runes even though you came to my lane twice. Shadow Fiend got 3 water runes.

Can we keep the racism to a minimum


Are you making fun of me?

combinatorics confirmed math for crazy people

No. I'm just admitting my own ignorance about whatever you were typing.

Jcrispy and jdance alliance?

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I have a quest cape, we cant ve friends until tou do recipe for disaster

Quest cape was my first cape

OSRS the quest you should do to prove yourself is probably Monkey Madness but underleveled and pretend you're like 13 (no guides and have to keep going back and forth to the island because you forgot an essential item)

We get it you are a grumpy old man who hates change

And you cant safespot the demon or do the standing trick

If you safespot the demon you have to run in and tank sometimes because you accidentally clicked away from the safespot (true "old school" runescape experience)