Stop raising your kids on tablets and PCs.

Chjeck out my new rig


everyone on nadota is going to migrate to the same hot tub in shanghai for TI to spawn and then die shortly after


You will have kids.
Get u a nice man of the same race and breed they are out there

I’m NOT ready and I will NOT father your children at this point in my life

cant wait for namafia’s foaling season to kick off. anyone here have experience as a doula

this is the most thinly veiled orientalism and racism i’ve ever seen. at least try to hide it like Lmao

jesus christ


I guess being drunk does inhibit some judgmental skills, such as trying to hide your racism with an overpopulation dog whistle

asia has a declining birthrate

people without means in general aren’t too good at family planning

no they aren’t, and why do you think that is? hopefully from thinking about it you should deduce why this argument is what it is

which is steaming dog shit

generally all poor people have for fun is fucking and engaging in short term relationships. Also a lot of them have the idea that if they have kids the kids may support them later

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It happens in rural/small communities regardless of class, too.

idk aborting kids bc they aren’t what you wanted is nbd since a lot of rich white people do the same thing picking out 2 or 3 good embryos out of the 20 they made and subjecting the embryos to a nice risky pregnancy in some 40 year old’s leathery ass cigar stank uterine wall

Being a parent is hard. I do believe that having your kids learn from the internet isn’t the best choice though.

It is by far the easiest, though

Just finished watching the videos.
@kittens can you show me the inside of your mouth please? I’m not sure what that’ll get me but apparently that’s a thing so I’m interested…

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