
Just pick a time, preferably one that aligns with the circadian rhythym, and wake up at that time every day.

I use the sun if I need to stay on track/ reset

The body has natural mechanisms for this stuff and if you upset them youā€™ll feel it

My usual day: Wake up, go to work. ā€œWorkā€ (mostly sit in the back room browsing namafia pretending to work) from 10:00 -> 13:00. Eat lunch from 13:00-14:00. Go back to do some more ā€œworkā€, head home around 18:00. Grab something to eat and try to get a workout in if I have the willpower. Return home around 19:00. Play games/browse forums until 03:00. Repeat.

Does that make you happy

Iā€™m pretty happy from a day to day basis but of course there are things Iā€™d like to improve.

Like what?

Here ya go

Until recently I hadnā€™t kept a consistent sleep schedule for more than 2 weeks at a time maximum. Even when I was working I would regularly pull all nighters to play video games and go into work having been awake for 30 hours.

The last four months or so my schedule hasnā€™t budged and im beginning to wake up not being tired. I just get up and start my day. Words canā€™t describe how much that one change can permeate into other areas of your life. Sleep is probably the most important aspect to happiness. But itā€™s not a one week thing. It takes time to notice positive change, and time is hard when youā€™re depressed. Alcohol heavily disrupts REM sleep. Stop drinking. Sleep consistently. Youā€™ll be alright.

Limited amount of friends to hang with (the last time I sociallized with someone outside of my work must be like at least 2 weeks ago), I live in another city than I grew up in so I live far away from any childhood friends. My job also isnā€™t that great, but itā€™s not horrible and I often hear horror stories about how people want to kill themselves from their job, and that is not nearly the case for me.

is this t he first earnest jdance post

Well your job isnā€™t really a job it sounds like you just post on the internet all day and get paid

No, thereā€™s been quite a few. You just have to dig deep into the 10k post blog thread to find them.

Which incidentally is what I do

no man can return from those depths

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The Fast and the Furious (2003)

release more dopamine into your brain (coke)

Well it was kind of an exaggeration. I donā€™t consider myself underperforming for the tasks I have, itā€™s just that there is a lot of free-time to be filled often.

this guy probably knows best

Just go to more shows

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Anyways ben if u want to come and live with me you can

I will whip you into shape and we will build the mafia plugin (not a bot!) together

Serious offer