Summit 9 - Summer 2018

I don’t think anyone with a prejudice towards hating arabs would be a trustworthy judge of character.

No - It’s a description, you ignored the “dumb” part to make a strawman response it seems.

speaking of Talpidae, have you guys seen what a star nosed mole looks like?

food for thought.

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Nah, dude. You’ve been constantly dogwhistling anti-muslim and anti-arab stuff for years.

It’s become painfully obvious that you’re only replying to basically troll me. You have nothing to say about w33ha in any way and all your responses are strawman or ad hominem.
Your first post towards me - in fact - was an ad hominem and a strawman - “No, I’m just not into when you post your fiction without any circumstantial evidence, and present it as truth.”
You are basically talking to yourself in this argument.

Your ability to pigeonhole people into groups, and damn the entire group, is very suspect. You’re a bigot and you have no ability to judge others.

An ad-hominem would not mention your actions.

What does that have to do with anything? I think that w33ha is a dumb person and I got that from watching him talk. I do not think the same thing about other arab dota players - you are the one trying to pigeonhole me into the "racist bigot" group.

Except that those were not my actions, I simply stated what I think of w33ha and you go on on a pseudo intellectual rant about me personally - just begging for attention as always.

I see no effect to including his nationality in this conversation. Since you did, you must have issues.

I am sorry to do this, dude, but I’m putting you on ignore.

sorry to cut you off midreply, thread will open in 15 minutes :slight_smile:

This topic was automatically opened after 16 minutes.

EG or Optic better take this shit tho FUcK.

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no love VGJ?

Optic or fnatic only.

VGJ over EG for sure. Agreed.

What format is this tournament going to be? Have they said anything?

I think it will be similar to the other 8 they’ve held.

Well it’s a significantly smaller player pool and a non DPC tournament - It could be different