Sunday should be a forum truce day


What did I ever do

You know what you did

thank you for using your brain. unfortunately im just dictator kyle. me begging people to offer their input accurately depicts a dictator evil moderator.

im back to ignoring moderating this bullshit.

it may be hard for you to comprehend because you have such a victim complex but if my rules are the only ones being suggested and people are only saying they agree with them then they'll likely just be voted in and people will bitch later down the line that only the rules i suggested went through.

the rules i suggested are pretty baseline and simple and thats why most ppl are just agreeing with them.


do i really need to say anything here?


let's review:

  1. this is the "sunday should be a forum truce day" thread.

  2. you said you wanted people to write rules so people don't bitch about only your rules going through

  3. i asked why that would be, through what process are you expecting your rules to "go through"

  4. you told me to "stop being a fucking victim 24-7"


im sure its a overreaction from me but im quite tired of you insinuating constantly that im some power loving monster

why do you think that could be?

because you overreact and personally attack others when you're in a position of power? really makes you think.


the switch up in the middles pretty dope.

the start is pretty typical billie then she kinda moves into something 'new'

which is fun when the topic of the song is the future.

love is the only thing that makes life worth living

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Not bad.

cant agree more. only thing that got me past age 19. lost it at 22. now im 24, dunno what im living for. ah whale.

this songs good too. its a cover of a mac miller song i never listened to, but i did after she covered it and both are good but shes quite good.

Try loving yourself.

why in the fuck would i possibly do that. i am not good. other people can be.