Sunday should be a forum truce day

im an idiot but im not stupid enough to waste my love on myself.

Love on yourself is never wasted it is like a perpetual motion machine where u give ur love and it just fills u back up except u have even more to give when all's said and done

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i do well loving others.s makes me want to live. myself not sos much at all

Well there is your problem. You cant always depend on having others around to love

self-love leads to bettering yourself and constantly moving forward to make yourself and your life the way you want it to be

but i can relate to not feeling like your life is worth very much/living if you dont have someone to share it with / to love / to love you

it's also true that if you can't accept yourself, you will never let anyone else accept you and you will never be able to accept someone else's love because you don't think you deserve it, so relationship success is low.. this includes all social relationships not just romantic ones


all im hearing is i shud GO

i feel that way too sometimes still
just try and hang in there
i imagine it's tough

i think it was better before i acutally felt love.

never feeling love u dunno what youre missing ya know?

i was content living until 19 and then going. then i met a girl. fell in love. had a reason to live. now im past my expiration date and its souRED

life is truly one big joke.

(i wrote a post that involed tmi but even 2 mugs deep i realize i cant post that so i backspaced

^^^ so how the fuck do u idiots post such stupid shit.

Kyle you're like 20s at your oldest you are in no way past expiration