Everyone that criticizes Ewiz for being strict on rulebreakers are obviously carrying out-of-game personality politics into the game. If Roragok did the same thing, no one would say shit about it.

How can you not take some responsibility for this perspective though? I mean it’s your prerogative either way, but to react like they’ve done some majorly bad or even lazy playing to appeal to players for that(what set you off) is hmmmm a bit narrow I’d say.

I can enjoy playing with you even though at times I’ve fucking hated it, too. Maybe you aren’t so strictly in your decisions here and it’s just some bad mojo but yeah idk

Oh shit Lmao ill have this fixed in a bit

Sure, it might fuck a game or two over. But people will learn to respect the rules pretty quick if hosts keep slamming down the hammer on rulebreaking.

Disgusting? are you ok Klaze?

I’d much rather play with an actual active player that reads the thread and plays the game than someone who doesn’t and comes in at EoD (if even) and posts a random lynch

This is my exact perspective. Im sick of the rule breaking. It could've advantaged me in my last scum game but I didn't do it because it's fucked up. Hosts just need to grow a backbone

im not saying theyve done anything majorly bad i just dont want to play with them anymore

i honestly cant remember a single instance where having friend or roragok in a game made the game more enjoyable and then they post shit like this

just not gonna deal with it.

not saying im a saint or great to play with or anything so im not acting like this is a huge loss to the mafia subforum or anything

just my perspective

I dunno he did kinda post his PM which to me is the worst offence. Yall suck for not being able to follow basic rules though

I almost don’t care about read accuracy or how good people are at the game. If people give it their best, reads the thread and posts actively, that’s all you can expect, which is why I enjoy playing with players like Asoul, matty and ewiz. You can’t possibily expect people to mindmeld with you and have perfect reads every game. But if they can’t even dedicate the bare amount of time to stay updated, chooses to go afk and THEN brings an attitude along all of that, that’s pretty disgusting to me.

Like this is where I have to ask if you’re ok when you’re talking about in game playing vs a hosts approach.

A host is supposed to be impartial? And he’s literally crying to you to call me an idiot because I asked him a simple question and he responded emotionally and I’m saying he’s shitty for it.

He’s clearly power tripping. I don’t think it’s wrong to want rules to be followed but ewiz goes beyond that.

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yea idk this is a dumb point for people to get caught up on in general

my offense and punishment have precedence and is pretty clear-cut stuff so they shouldnt be the topic of discussion here; comparing the two is just rhetorical and kinda meaningless

You are the only player that had a hard time understanding the setup and your power. You're just a moron

Of course, but disgusting?

Maybe bad or weak play… disgusting seems like way overly dramatic about friend.

Because on the flip side I will say iaafr has been the absolute polar opposite - to the games detriment.

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Imo someones gotta do the dirty job d1 of baiting out replies. they’re fun to read and clearly not bullshit if people ate coming up with close guesses by end of day 1. I think thats the real discconect here – people seeing ur d1 efforts as completely useless, if not detrimental to town (which I definitely disagree with)

After he ended the game he’s no longer the “host” in this situation, he’s just Ewiz explaining why he did what he did.

Im tired of pm posting I feel like its warranted by now

I agree. Especially after I explicitly warned about posting PMs, real or fake

some people just dont wanna read the volume of posts

(which i have been working on)

im not saying i think friends’ complaints are valid or invalid

i just hate the way he expressed them, i hate that he’s the one expressing them (somebody who doesnt try in half the days of most of the games he signs imo), and i just dont want to play with him in the first place anymore

the magnitude of how much his posts pissed me off this game made me think about whether i ever enjoyed playing with him and i dont