while i dont think the rule breaking was very epic, this boosts my mafia winrate even higher get owned libs

i have an unstoppable style of forum mafiam

i dont think anybody wins here

techincally i did

Take note I knew nma was mafia on day1 my reads on goyclub are impeccable


mafia gave up

That was exactly the reason I wanted to host this game. I wanted to create a ploicy of no tolerance for this bullshit when it keeps happening every game


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my enjoyment of this game was maximal.

It was not a bait game. I just wanted players to follow the rules, and I already explained to you why pm posting was bad

i know why pm posting is bad

i feel like youre still not processing on some level that my modkill was 100% intentional because i didnt want to play anymore

Why did you just implode 10 posts into the game?

Oh, I knew it was. I still modkilled you for a good reason, though, as were all my modkills. If we start a culture of not accepting posting after EoD and breaking rules, it will stop happening eventually


friends attitude towards me just put me off the game

like i dont want to play a game where people openly express that they want to policy lynch me d1 because they dont want to read my posts

in fact im never playing with friend or roragok again, so im probably never playing again

Your reaction was literally
“What the fuck do you mean”
“You just deactivate, it automatically goes to the doctor”

I don’t know how it’s not clear that I’m just confirming because I’ve never played with this role before. But you have to have your fucking shittyness injected into it and the rest of your game played out that way for me as well. Just overbearing fucking bullshit.

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It’s pretty disgusting that Friend, a player who’s usually right on the edge of being zeused for inactivity every game starts policylynching an actual active high-effort player

not to mention ive been actively trying to reduce my posting amount and change my style

and i lynched scum d1 last game (arguably fluke but)

i mean idk i prefer playing with people who play like me and not like people who play like roragok and friend and seeing them openly just hate playing with me makes me not want to play

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Or you could fucking read the setup and it would be immediately clear what your role does, moron

Can anyone please read any of the scum PMs and tell nyte she’s fucking dumb for not understanding the setup?