I don’t care what your dumb reasoning is: I don’t see it as game ruining, having played with and without. Having goys in games, having people making absurd “plays”, having people zeusing themselves because they were offended, bad hosting (eod/hammer management)…

Cool just let the game play reactions are fucking worthless and more like a sub commentary(comedy)

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They can also like posts and there’s nothing to do to stop that from happening.

Liking posts is anonymous at least.

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I definitely regret bringing this reactions topic to light - I don’t even want them removed but I just pointed it out.

Uhm what?

There is nothing anon about liking posts. Click the three dots.

Sorry, but they are a fucking problem and a game in “the game zone” isn’t supposed to have them. Deal with it, idiot

I didn’t know that. That’s unfortunate.

Well I tried to help

Elaborate on how that is so.

How reactions are a fucking problem.

I think if you get hung up on reactions you’re actually just really bad at playing the game. Maybe you should run a b-list game or an intermediate level game so that people feel more comfortable playing at a lower difficulty level.

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But at the end of the day the issue for me is entirely that people outside the game can try to influence it.

I have no issues with players reacting to other players in game.

There seems to be a strong preference for Virgin Airlines logos.

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should this be an emote?

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Sure. It might be a hit.

this is what pops up when i look up virgens

I was sure jdances dweeb face would pop up by now

The issue is it being a form of communication that potential partners could use during day if there’s no daychat turned on. I just see it as such a small impact and potentially exposing of them that I think the risk is not a big deal.

Maybe that could be found not to be the case but I don’t think we’ll get the chance to find out