Thank u bees

Can u believe broodstar saw that one post and just left the site

I tolerate ppl complaining about my playstyle all the time and sympathize with them

the idea of being policy lynched for it by friend is what triggered me

you didn't need to bend the truth for your point

Ian's post was in response to my EOD post. He knew day ended

Well, you should. You asked a dumb question, so I called you dumb

ewizs posts defending his being an asshole never fail to make me giggle

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Nyte is NOT gonna like that one

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Why on earth would that upset me?

It upsets me more that he would try to downplay the reality, but who cares? It’s been done, the score is known, and I’ve simply been explaining the reasoning behind me leaving the game (because some people can’t seem to grasp that, still)

No one likes being called dumb…

Altho I guess getting insulted by someone you deem a forum Hitler probably has little to no value

If ewiz can’t bother to see how this exchange looks who am I to sit here and call him dumb for it


God I love the way your nose twitches when you chortle

what the heck

I’m sorry, that was uncalled for and it won’t happen again

Don’t mind bees he’s just bewitched.

That was such a meta joke Jesus Christ nyte

You continue to surprise me every day

chortles indeed

I feel like nyte and ewiz have the same problem but ewiz isn’t self-aware

Nyte: sometimes totally incoherent because of some brain issue from sleep

Ewiz: sometimes just wrong and confused about something because of some brain issue from drinking too much

The problem is nyte will be like “yeah I dont sleep” whereas Ewiz will argue nonstop and get really angry and then afterward when he realizes he’s wrong he’ll say like “I was drunk and that was my reality at the time so it wasn’t untrue”

Ah yes, sometimes one side is right and then sometimes they’re wrong. Once again, an excellent centrist post that highlights the quality in your thinking