Texas Justice [Day 1 & Postgame]

And I think you all know them instructing you to copy paste a misspelled command is intentional.

Can you actually stop being such a weirdo and referring to everyone with they/them pronouns? You really don't have to do that here, nobody will judge you for it.

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In fact it's not just here, it's simply not something that you should do period when talking about people that have well defined pronouns and identities.

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That's not actually how the convention works.

No, it's just weird and embarrassing watching someone speak in such a contrived manner in an informal casual context like this forum.

If you're triggered feel free to bring it up to the teamspeak where somebody might care

The whole point of me posting right now is to explain to you that you don't understand the convention dude.

Why do you have to immediately resort to "mad? triggered" verbiage like you already practiced this "epic online debate" a thousand times already on twitter?
I don't actually care about your political beliefs and I most likely share most of them with you, it's just explicitly clear and well known to everyone that there is nobody here that goes by they/them pronouns.

You don't have to force yourself to use them, you're coming off like someone who's trying too hard.

You can call me anything, and I've probably been called worse.
Just don't call me late for dinner.

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I sincerely can't imagine anything that would be more embarrassing than allowing forum posts to influence my behavior

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What the hell does that mean? Do you mean my behavior of responding to your forum posts on the forum?
Would you prefer if people here didn't interact with each other so they're not influenced by anyone?

You're wasting your precious typing-time before the carpal tunnel sets in. We're working out votes here

No need to resort to these sort of personal attacks. We both know that you don't just refer to everyone as "them" in everyday life, it's just a poor online habit you have.

Would you refer to your father as "they" (assuming your father is cisheteronormative)? I don't think so.
Do you want us to all start adding pronouns to our profiles so you're not so confused anymore? What is the point of your arrogance regarding this topic?

I don't refer to my father using pronouns. It's complicated.

You're just genuinely being weird and giving the rest of us normal liberals and a bad rep dude. Drop the stupid irony and start being a real person.

Right, I'm the one being weird right now

Yes. I wouldn't be pointing it out if you weren't. You can't just "no u" out of this, that is plasma-tier behavior.

There's nothing to get out of, that's kind of the issue