"hey AskReddit, what is your favorite color?"

yea guys just tell me ur favorite color

so to preface this story it isn't me but my friends cousins sister daughter. so my friends cousins sisters daugher really likes the color magenta and she is a porn star who eats shit and loves old men on reddit.

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insert some shitty pun thats randomly upvoted

so me personally i've never seen color because i'm colorblind and my life is awful because i've never seen color. every day i wake up and i want to end my life because i cannot see color.

edit: omg guys thank u so much for all the kind wishes

edit 2: omg guys please stops gifting me gold. give it to charity like my favorite "trumpers with erectile dysfunction"

edit 3: omg thank u guys for offering me those color seeing glasses. unfortunately i can actually see color just fine and this was all made up because im a whore for reddit attention.

Wtf are these posts

just Kyle posts

some say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit; I say Kyle deserves that distinction

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this is the correct take yes


til goodoldgames is a subsidiary of cd projekt

which i learned because i was googling to see if the studio was rly that much more triple A than indie

i have a soft spot for struggly big studios

probably because i liked the sonic adventure games a lot

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"While they had tested these versions as they approached release, they had not seen the same issues that players had reported in the released version. He affirmed that the developers were not responsible for the release state of the game, but instead this was a choice made by himself and the other management of the company."

the management even blamed themselves

cyberpunk was just its own thing it doesnt rly come off as the same story to me as like shitty ea and ubisoft preorders

i'm not really buying that no one saw these issues with how many and how egregious some were. if they're saying playtesters found these problems and reported them and they were ignored that's one thing but stuff like textures taking 30 seconds to load or ai cars driving through barriers on ps4 is pretty hard to miss. but yea it is a different playground than traditional aaa games especially with how much cdpr went all in on pushing it as the next great single player rpg.

if the mentality was just ship it and cash that paycheck management really fucked up because they're getting sued now for fraudulent behavior or some shit

yea i think it wasnt that mentality i think it was more like "we bit off more than we could chew and we're running out of money to pay this 500 person team so yolo"

not to mention the continual delay memes

yea it wouldn't surprise me if it was like a me:andromeda situation where they kept remapping what they wanted out of the game and writers, level designers, artists, etc kept having to scrap work and start over. i mean their og vision for night city as initially advertised was a colossal undertaking for even the largest of teams people just assumed cdpr could do it because witcher3's success

im not sure if the gameplay was curated or the initial journalist or social media playtesters drank the kool-aid but they all said the first 4 hours were amazing. i mean the game ran fine on a beast of a rig at release but it was still buggy as hell

this was so embarassing… worst spokesman ever lmao

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who else are they going to blame

they don't want to bleed dev talent and they won't blame the stakeholders who demanded they release immediately

they could've done more preorder stuff or something there's always a way

I have a hard time empathizing with shipping an MVP for a project where a launch is a huge deal