The International 2022 - Live Discussion

Slacks recently put out this statement on his Twitter today after his angry rant against Valve and the community

"25-10 game, with EG in front of RNG. We go to the 15 minute mark, Arteezy to farm. Lacoste to take it the rest of the way through this game. As Cr1t takes over the triangle...

I made a comment earlier this week that I guess uh, that went over the air uh, that I am deeply ashamed of. Uh, if I have hurt anyone out there.. I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of the heart that I am very very sorry.

I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith- and there's a deep drive to left, big ult by Abed, it will be a tripple kill, and so that will make it 28-10 EG

I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again.. I don't know if it's gonna be with TI, I don't know if it's gonna be with Twitch. I want to apologize to the people who sign my pay-cheque, for Valve entertainment Bellvue, for the people I work with.

For anybody that I've offended here tonight, I can't tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am, uh, it never has been. And I'd like to think I could have some people that could maybe uh, ... that could back that up. I am very, very sorry and I beg your forgiveness. Lacoste will take you the rest of the way home.


what did this creep do?

i dont see this on twitter

You guys are trolling.

Also I saw this image and remembered now how Sheever was dating ODPixel; super weird.

here is what's left of the bracket

Jenkins hairstyle tonight is very ghey.

didn't know lacoste was this cute


They are all looking sharp tonight.

wow. Looks like I was right


nihil post

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nihil should i buy civ 6

Not sure who to root for.
Beastcoast as the last American team?
Secret for Puppey?
LGD for the Wings players?

Tundra has an american

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Holy shit!
Beastcoast playing with 4 players in the motel because covid and still winning.
They are the team I root for now.


They ain't american u fuck

South America is still part of America.
Who are you rooting for?

They ain't American.

Tundra or secret.

Then Cubans are Americans

You go on about SA teams and now you shit on SA teams.
Make up your mind.

I'm not shitting on them. They cheap labour and I'm going to use them as such. I don't like beast coast. Would prefer thunder predator