The International 2022 - Live Discussion

Go Tundra


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it's rough around the edges but it's fun


Mesikans made it top 5 for less than minimum wage grats. Kek open borders na Dota

Wtf is this tourney
5 days till top 4?

i think its a good idea gives teams time to prep and rest up

Speaking of time, you are running out
Where’s my money plasma

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I bought fried chicken with it


"I want valve to pour 10 billion dollars into TI but at the same time I want ephey to say cute things out loud and have siractionslacks scream into the microphone and jenkins dota to dress up ass a clown"

Actually a pretty good analysis. I watched the whole thing. Not as funny as EE's but very informative

just watched the thunder liquid game that hero creep was the best moment so far

Link? I saw a Reddit post but it had no link.

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Casters are so annoying lmao

at least those guys are knowledgeable even if a bit insufferable at times

How incredible is it that after 10 years of this there is still no improvement to the caster situation: group of people paid just to make noise and be annoying, no positive contribution whatsoever

Yes they knew what "backdoor protection" was. Probably from all the backdooring they do in their off-hours in the "Caster House"


this ti seems better bringing in fresh talent but i havent watched in years so im not sure. a lot of these clowns are just part of the old boy club so they get the gig over and over again because people know their voice

The casters are Homosexuals.

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