The International 2022 - Live Discussion

Meanwhile Bloody9 is like "hey guys, could someone buy mek please? No? Okay."

yea that guy is a gamer. had good fun going up against him with the JoshTabak crew in SECS

so many dota players were primadonnas who demand attention when one thing goes wrong you have to connect and cling to real ones when you find them if you want to avoid a stroke

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end of the day you have to decide what gives the boys the best chance of winning. whining on comms and flaming almost never helps, unless you want to lose

i think my favorite dota memory is disruptor telling me as mid invoker who was dumpstering nightstalker that "we don't need wards if we know nightstalker is going to gank" i buy wards and try my best but it was too late, the boys get shit on for 6 minutes and disruptor asks "what happened mid why is ns so fat" one of two times i lost my cool in dota

When my brother started playing I told him to be prepared for the tilt.
I guaranteed him that someone would tell him to uninstall and kill himself within one month.
I won that bet.

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wait until u find out that its bc they have some sort of clique groupchat that decides who gets to be a caster

apparently certain good casters who are part of the clique will skip events to give the shitty casters a chance to earn money

didn't kotlguy get an invite to ti because people rallied behind him? hes also a fucking awful caster

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moxxi = autoinvite to every event to meet the girl quota while being the worst caster dota has ever had


siractionslacks running through the crowd blowing everyones eardrums out bc

loud = FUNNY

Yeah she has improved but she is still terrible.
I still miss Grant.

how has slacks not been metood yet

Yeah that's what I'm saying

Maybe I deleted that before I posted but it's like: Group of people who get invited to every event because they fucked a valve employee at ti4

i saw capitalist post on some reddit and he literally said its a group of casters who do this all on their own

valve even use slacks for steam stuff what dirt does he have on gaben

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and then when the reddit has a thread explaining why moxxi is so bad all the other casters come out to defend her

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just bc you put time into doing things doesnt meant you deserve to be doing it.

idc if she spent everyday of her life trying to improve her casting. i simply don't want to hear her because shes fucking godawful and i personally dont think shes imrpoved at all

Kyle you are learning about why unions are bad

In this case it's maybe not even a union but essentially a caster mafia but u get the point

Collective bargaining really has no place in a skill-based field. The reason it exists here is that casting is a joke, nobody actually cares or likes casters, it solely exists as it does today because that's how it always existed and nobody can think of how to change it

unions can be very bad, unions can be very good