The International 2022 - Live Discussion

I think there was a critical turning point for valve when they got fucked by a couple reddit threads (starting with that paid mods for skyrim one) and they decided they were just going to go with whatever reddit decided. So if you were a dancing monkey with some degree of clout you could go on reddit and get someone to post "Why wasn't this guy invited to TI??" and valve would have to invite you. This is how grandgrant got invited and this is why the current generation of "talent" is so reddit. Sir Action Slacks. OD Pixel. There isnt a single person here who got famous for actually having interesting things to say about the game. And they all have massive egos because they get to shout in front of a screaming audience and get the dumb idea in their head that the audience is screaming for them.

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actually true... except they wont listen about how much people HATE moxxi

Can you post the moxxi reddit thread that sounds funny

I actually dont even know who that is as I haven't watched TI and would have casters muted if I did

I just went on reddit and found out this is apparently the last TI

there are A LOT. i cba to go searching for them

plus the mods censor criticism bc moxxi just goes on twitter and says its only bc sexism that ppl dont like her

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Classic female caster moments

it's why they're getting rid of BTS

best comment of the year

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well EE is an extreme example of this but some people are genuinely fucking ■■■■■■■■ and if you don’t tell them what to do at key moments you just lose the game

for stuff like buybacking and deciding to hg or back I think this type of comm can be justified

ive lost plenty of games because of being ‘too nice’ and not speaking up.. after playing your ass off for 50 mins thats hard to take

god I hate slacks so much

seeing clips of him streaming and being the most unbelievable passive aggresive cunt while being the most average low 4k cumstain of all time

I hate him

This is less true then you think, backseating loses more games then it wins. Just ask @Vanilla_Town

No I actually agree when you are climbing/better than your team there is some degree of communication required around controlling the tempo of the game - & if you do so properly it's highly impactful

It's a balance though because the main point is just to keep people focused on a goal and not let them tilt out

Since coming back I am in the skill bracket again where 90% of games are won/lost just because 1 team decided they were done (or a game was won because someone decided they wouldn't give up, despite it being "over," and came back from a completely lost situation)

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In the old days I climbed out of this just by playing supports that kill cores a lot early & trying to make the mid/safe tilt

Sadly roaming around & ganking mid is not as much a thing in this patch. Still figuring out the new strategy but offlane/offlane support so far has been pretty good if u just want to bully tiltable cores and control tempo in the midgame

What works is having JCrispy feed first blood to the opposing mid in an unfavored matchup and then having him post the crusader badge on the forum 3 days later.


I'd say a large portion of my games are lost because a certain player "communicates" with another player in a fashion that is detrimental.

"controlling the tempo of the game"

this is the "let's circle back on this later" of dota2.

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One of the last games I played with Osiris he was so high on drugs that it took him multiple minutes to place a ward. He was just standing in lanes for 45~ seconds trying to figure out how to open the shop and buy a sentry.

the way this dude plays is barnyyy-like -- brain is so fucked up from smoking marijuana everyday that they can barely function in a dota game.

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