The International 2022 - Live Discussion

easily the funniest "stack" I have ever seen.

Lemon, JCrispy, and Osiris. Holy fuck what a travesty.

Who designed this stack? It's like building a car without an engine or a set of wheels. A sailboat without a mast or keel.

Magic Wand - 16 minutes?

Care to explain @Osiris?

I really want to go full toxic and just tilt out of games, talk shit at people who whine on the mic

Dota's insult game absolutely fell through the floor after these 10 years of solo ranked, people are trying too hard to win & stopped having fun calling each other names, you don't play with people you know/inhouses any more so you don't develop the deep disgust for random internet strangers that came to define NA Dota

Goy Club is perhaps the last true bastion of True Dota 2 - the carrier of the torch of NA PUGs where everyone hates each other and the insults are as much a focus of the game as the item timings

my brain may be short circuiting

"Can't wait to see what petty things Jones abandons over" - Osiris

How did you enjoy your first game of Chris getting ganked, muting teamspeak and afking in the fountain (holding the entire game hostage) erstwhile nmaGane screams over the mic "Is this what you wanted Chris! You wanted me to gank for you!" while running into three heroes and feeding.

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good times

this is wrong; this is still the case but white people don't play the game anymore so all of it occurs in spanish.

it's so fucking depressing: I could be in girl-gamer stacks but I am such an incel that I'm stuck with Chris and nmaGane instead.

Girl gamer stacks are probably absolutely miserable. At least Nmagane and Chris are funny

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He was archon 1, dont sell yourself short

I am almost positive that girl-gamer stacks don't have the same existential dread I feel at the pick screen that nmaGane is going to random Phantom Lancer and "support" with it in the offlane.

See, this is funny. I've never met a girl gamer who had this sense of humor, this degree of creativity when playing the game

it's not creative it's happened EVERYDAY FOR YEARS.

what's actually funny is him picking heroes: "Is it okay if I pick hoodwink 20 games in a row?"

The worst voice comms insult I ever heard was from a girl gamer though - ragging on some random bh for having no impact in 2013, but just brutally mean. It wasn't even funny, just mean

At some point the joke becomes that you keep going back for more of it after this many years. The joke is You

Has there ever been a girl in the professional scene? Surely there must have been someone good enough. Is it just that women are just not naturally funny enough/not naturally fun to play with?

There are plenty of Asian women who are extremely good, 0.1% ile

Are there any Asian women that are funny?