The medication stigma

medicine is a field of study that moves extremely fast

humans are flawed, all we can do is interpret what is available and try out best to explain it. it's unavoidable that HUMAN doctors will sometimes say things that end up being wrong, however that's really unrelated to the chemicals themselves, and it's not their fault.

anyway just saying this mindset of "it didn't work for me so it's a scam" is just silly. and saying "we don't know how they work" lol what?

we can measure chemicals in the blood though, so what are you talking about? the hypothesis on what that may mean or what it can help is the speculative part, it's not hard to measure if something is altering the makeup of your blood or increasing something in particular.

Please kill yourself anyway possible

Humans are not flawed. The human is the most perfect machine to ever exist nothing else even comes close

cancer, we can get cancer

Just do blow and Viagra

thanks plasma

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Loki went insane because of Nmagane trolling & griefing him, it had nothing to do with medication.

@ Your thoughts on this video?

Not falling for this bait.

Seems that you are gaslighting & refusing to take responsibility.

I don't even know what Gaslighting means.

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More gaslighting.

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Similar to how you get 72 virgins

you WILL eat your pill cereal in the morning

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Remember to sign up for borzoi mafia

fuck off dad im playing videogames