The NmaStink Problem and Situation

Silver edge? What?

Jones, please reply to him instead of me!

Wake up and instantly realize nma is better than you at dota then start crying.

I don't even think I'm better than him. I just didn't want to get humiliated in the game and have him leave (humiliation=leave was his steam name)
But I didn't realize that not being humiliated too hard means that he would freak out as well.

what does robert even have to live for: kunkka heart rust? viper aghanims? pit lord aether lens?

if you lost a kunkka heart rush you would just commit suicide

nma is better than you at blacksmithing aswell

I'm not better than Robert at dota.

I won't buy raindrops....


I am actually very glad we have someone on the forum who still takes the video game seriously.

I randomly opened Forrest's stream last night and the first game I saw he was griefing some random russian doom player - seemingly for no reason. They would win a teamfight and then he and his 3-stack would back before hitting t3s/barracks, saying "care pa bb." The game lasted 80 minutes. He also kept telling the guy he was turkish and would sometimes tab out of the game to copy+paste a line from google translate.

I have to say I did not find it funny/did not understand the joke. Vastly prefer the goy club stream where I can rely on people to actually play the game, buy sensible items, and treat teammates, enemies, and the viewing audience with respect. Thanks all - looking forward to the next stream


Forrest has fallen from grace. He is one of those people that hate plays dota because he is too scared to go outside. He takes his social anxiety rage out on people in game. Hes also the kind of weirdo to bring his laptop outside to play in the sun. Genuinely a crazy fellow.

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Hes back bros

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Phase boots at 33:05? I miss the old Nmagane.

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He is already mid 30s? What do you mean

How do you think 11 year old nmagane behaved

did his homework and played videogames?

Bro this shit just comes off i legit am afraid what if i look in there and there are snakes and spiders and leeches

what is coming off?