White pride world wide

this brand of humor is not entertaining

ah yes, the ultimate question which all should derive all purpose and meaning from: will this entertain the CIS white woman who recently took an interest in activism and fourth wave feminism after breaking up with her image board using internet boyfriend.

Reminder: if CIS white women are not entertained you lack goal or purpose in life as they are meant to be obeyed and listened to

hows it even humor

its a pretty straightforward admonition of a certain activity

Moving forward, in the effort of dismantling systemic racism and systems of oppression, I will refuse to listen to any complaints, hereby referred to as “crying”, by any white women on this forum.

CRT is being used as a catch-all by the right as a boogeyman in the same way Foucault and postmodernism were in the past. Just because you don't understand what it is doesn't mean it's whatever monster you conjure it up to be

Okay CIS white male, please continue to live up to your white savior complex and tell me more so you can defend CRT on the internet

I don’t listen to white people, especially white liberals with white savior complex’s, sorry ewiz

"Can't we all get along?"

  • Rodney King

No, unfortunately as long as institutionalized and systemic racism exists and white people are unwilling to make concessions and compromises to their standard of living in order to provide equality to the BIPOC they abused for centuries to build their societies we cannot get along. You do not deserve to live a life a luxury on the backs of poor and disenfranchised BIPOC. Please give up your home.

You're actually fucking stupid

If you are a homeowner, you are RACIST and are profiting from years of redlining and exclusion of black peoples from the housing market. You should be required to sell your home and all profits derived from the sale should be at minimum donated to the NAACP if you are unable to find a BIPOC who you can directly give money to.

Are you going to call my manager Karen? Are you directing some of your white rage towards me? Aww poor white fragility I’m sorry you can’t handle not being given the opportunity to live out being a white savior on the internet and getting to explain CRT in your white washed version to me aww poor white baby

Me, yns, and refspi know more black people than ewiz/nyte

I know more black people than LBJ

LBJ: goes to Yale

Me: I have black hobbies (roller skating, eating jerk chicken, being misogynist)

Ewiz's hobbies are like debating leftism online

He didn't see a black person for the first 20 yrs of his life

I get jamaican takeout at least once a week. I am extremely close to the soul of this nation

It’s true, for proof I will show you the demographics of my high school

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Free and discounted lunch rate: 99.9%

I am the .1%