The ReRun Day #2

You're arguing out of ego I can tell. Then they wasted a RB on tracker instead of doc/cop.

Wrong. I assumed I would get killed, not blocked. So I hid my role to deny scum the info.

But if you are killed then you are flipped. I talked about this D1. I think I'm starting to grasp what you mean by info but I don't think it matters much at all.

Guys we really can’t live in a world that afk Ian is the real tracker and just isn’t here to cc and kkat scum just goes free for another day

Cuz we have no answers for that

It’s like in magic, if you can’t play around it you force em to have it
Earlier today my obosh got essence scattered and I lost but I woulda lost either way

So just assume until cc that kkat is tracker and lets go forward

Think about it.
At the time I claimed we didn't know gamut was doc.
My thinking was that if the doc saved me then scum would still not know my role.

If they knew I was the tracker and the doc was still alive, they might target someone else hoping to hit the doc or the cop. Both roles are stronger than tracker.

Maybe my logic is bad, but that's how I saw it.

I can start looking at kkat town scenarios.

There’s literally 2 scenarios daddy

  1. Kkat is tracker
  2. Kkat is cc’d and we immediatey lynch kkat scum 2a. and then lynch whoever cc’d if kkat flips tracker

But 2 solves itself

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
krazykat 1 SCSF
thegreatwingdingi 1 bazingaboy

Not Voting

KrazyKat, kyle, ian, Matticus, slowdive, theGreatWingdingi, LuckyArtist,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


@SCSF what’s good witchu

1.) Needs a scum to target

What do you mean?

We need someone to vote on.

No one should be voting until Ian comes into the thread imo

We have a whole day for that but my point is let’s stop posting about kkat reasoning

I still think we need to figure out why Nyte was targeted for the scum kill.
Gonna read her posts and try to think like scum for a bit.

Good evening

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
krazykat 1 SCSF
thegreatwingdingi 1 bazingaboy

Not Voting

KrazyKat, kyle, ian, Matticus, slowdive, theGreatWingdingi, LuckyArtist,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


@mafiabot lynch @KrazyKat