@theodore's Tribunal Thread

no, i legitimately held you to a standard i shouldn't.
i apologize

You should hold me to an even higher standard than the one you're already holding me at, considering that you know me so well yet still are surprised every time when I act like I always have.

Again, just being senselessly rude - what are you trying to gain from this?

ok i didnt read any of these posts

I would never act like I do towards Kyle towards anyone unless they were absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, completely deserving of it.

You just need to trust my judgement, I know these things better than you do.

damn he got me i read that one

almost wanted to reply to it too

we will have to agree to disagree, as this feels like more projection.

We have badges?


No actually I am trying my best to not be rude or insulting because I still respect your intelligence, but you keep selectively ignoring my posts and points as some sort of manipulation technique.

no, you see, i believe you've been senselessly rude since you entered into this thread. there's really not much more that needs to be said about it

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So are we killing world leaders or not, and what country does @theodore lord over? This whole ordeal is going a bit over my head I’m afraid

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How do you feel about jews?

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That's not how projection works. You completely don't understand this term.

explain it for me

I can't be projecting rudeness onto you when my original supposed rudeness was towards Kyle, you're just too trigger happy with the term and are honestly just gish galloping at this point.

No horse pun intended.

They’re just another group of people I guess? Not sure how to answer that one, kind of out of left field. Where are you going with this?

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No I won't agree to disagree. I would much more prefer if we agree to agree that Kyle deserves it and your judgement of him is flawed.

projection would be you calling me senselessly rude when you know that you are being senselessly rude in this thread (to kyle)

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