@theodore's Tribunal Thread

are you an anarchist? what does that accomplish for you?

not funny.

it's not a joke. if all world leaders died, there are people who are set in place to step into their roles, effectively just transferring leadership and not demolishing government
so what purpose does that wish serve (you)?

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Completely irrelevant. This post is a twisted attempt at derailing the conversation. Psychopathic even.

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What if those people died too?

immediately, as part of the 'clause'?

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"Nytes going to get tired! She cant keep dunking nmagane all day!"



Not immediately but as soon as they took power or obtained the position

Far more must be done to truly dissolve the unjustified hierarchies culminating into singular rulers of nations. Still working out the details.

This forum is so back

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then i have to ask again, is he anarchist, to wish for that?

You have this weird issue where you decided to read things too literally, but also at the same time imbuing the words with false hidden intents past the original author's intent.
This makes it impossible to tell when you're just trolling or not!

are you saying that i'm imbuing your death wishes of kyle with "hidden intents" passed your original intent? do elaborate

Iā€™m talking big picture here. Sworn into power? Immediately vaporized into dust.

I'm afraid proper anarchism is far more academic and tedious than being a The Joker type guy

Youre doing really well seth

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Not funny. You're derailing again.

nmagane, i hold you to a higher standard than i should, and that's my bad.
you're right

No that's not the issue, the issue is you being incredibly rude and accusatory towards me just because you disagree with me.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do in a disagreement?

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