@theodore's Tribunal Thread

imagine spending 10+ years in a teamspeak sucking eaechother off.

imagine spending 10+ years in a teamspeak finding ways to annoy people because you have no enjoyment in your own life.


No I am saying you're senselessly rude towards me, which is completely unrelated to Kyle since this is a conversation between the two of us. It's not some sort of secret that I'm rude towards Kyle, it's "projected" as much as the light of day.

Why do you have to use the term at all? It makes no sense and serves no purpose at all to use it in this context, I hope you understand.

I have too much enjoyment in my life actually, I am taking time out of my constant 100% enjoyment to post here.


you project because you have no real life friends, you have no real life success, you have no real life anything.

this forum is your life.

the internet is the only way you feel any source of security. asssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?

I have real life friends and real life success. You have no idea what you're talking about, but again you just resort to internet buzzwords like Projecting when ironically you're the only person here who posts constantly about their miserable life.

dondi i'm going to go do some real life things. you know things that happen outside the internet.

i'll be back once i'm done. have fun using your time reading every inch of this website to find some sort of fulfilment in your life.


Getting drunk and high are not "real life things".

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@Nyte your position is absolutely indefensible after these last couple of posts by him.

Any response?

How can you say things like this? Your standards have absolutely no foundation if you can't hold the belief that someone can have deeper and more nuanced opinions and thoughts than "this good, that bad".

@Nyte It's like you instantly dismiss everything I do and say outside of this context as some sort of "psychopathic lie", do you have the slightest idea of how insulting that is?

i'm not sure i understand what this means

The rules for your "standards" are flimsy, arbitrary, and illogical.

what does the insult matter?
if you believe wishing death on someone is all in a days work, what do my words, against such, matter to you?

No, wishing death on Kyle is all in a days work. Not just a "someone", you're gish galloping again.

Some people are less than others, a lot less.

it is only gish galloping to someone who thinks they can decide who "deserves" life itself.
which i say is a matter of great displaced ego and intellect, or a very misplaced sense of threat to self.

It's not that greatly displaced when the person in question has made it so abundantly clear after being given so many chances over so many years.
Do you really think that decision can't be made? Maybe from a religious perspective only god gets to decide...

But I'm speaking from years of experience, it's not just ego, it's not that I think I'm so smart - I think it's easy to come to this conclusion, but not everyone would say it. Again, just like euthanasia.

false. you can simply... not give it attention

????????? What did you even have to add this part??? this sentence feels like bait or some sort of troll