@theodore's Tribunal Thread

"just don't give this uncurable sick person screaming in agony and pain attention. he'll die on his own eventually"


"Don't give this guy griefing your dota game attention" - That won't change that your game is still griefed, you can't just ignore reality.
He is griefing everyone around him, in real life and on this forum. Stop defending him based on some ambiguous rules. There's always an exception to every rule.

maybe you're the exception

No I don't think so, and you know that! After all you did hold me to such high standards until just earlier, I earned it.

But no no - I was actually just a psychopath, like the joker, masquerading all this time until damned DotaKyle! made me reveal my true colors!!!

So is anyone going to explain the Judaism thing?

Masks off now!

that is what i meant nma

by what

you are aware that psychopaths disguise as normal quite well, so that's really not the right argument

that's a statement.. you are aware.

I am also aware that I am the person we are talking about and I know how I think feel and act.

It's not speculation here. I am telling you that you're wrong.

nyte is a notorious anti-semite, she believes the jews control the world. jones aka dondi_fontaine_houwk is completely zogged out and believes jews are just white people

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That’s a lot to process

So this post initially reads like you're saying I should kill myself, but did you intend it to be something else?
I hope you can see how your posts are very easily misread based on context.

Keys to deciphering the mysteries.

Seth is on track to become moderator if he keeps this up. This is phenomenal

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i see what you did there

Thats strange because i dont