(((THey))) want to get rid of all whites

I have been trying to find that video of the shirtless white nationalists proudly chugging milk that shit is hilarious


Why can't white people hold positions of power in the USA anymore? The liberal anti-white agenda.

Why are white people killed so much more by police per-capita than blacks?

ain't white

ain't right

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My family still can't join country clubs or pools because of our fine, lily-white skin.

Why does @Numeta make threads like this when he posts videos of himself playing basketball in a whiz khalifa jacket?

I can't think of anything that screams "GOD IF YOU'RE LISTENING, AND I HOPE U aRe, I WISH I WAS BORN BLACKer than a moonless nyte!!" more.

Like u may as well start wearing a do rag and celebrating kwanza

You're a schizo with zero critical thinking. I'm not going to respond to you lmao.

hope none of you guys are white here, because if so, there is a lot of self hate behind the idea of glorifying the failure of ones species, race, or family.

I'm white and I don't feel like I have any issues at all with my race. I don't feel as if I ever have. I feel like I am treated well by just about everybody

then u should pray for their success as well as all success of the willing

everyday i lash myself 44 times on the back for being born with white skin. i've truly committed an evil sin - being born white.

god sees your torment, the soul is uneasy, very much so heavily burdened by the lies and the false gods of the world that have caused you to you torture your own existence for the means in which existence was granted.

You should only engage in flagellation for of causes, strength, will, discipline and not as punishment of birth.

it was a joke. i don't actually flagellate myself for being born white.

you scared me bro.

Refpsi the browns have called. It’s time for you to become a eunuch for the cause. Make haste sir

Vince, unfortunately it's too late as you've already made the mistake of responding to my post. You're not really in a position to comment on critical thinking skilllzzz (you have none) or roleplay as a shrink when every other post of yours belies the existence of a globalist new world order conspiracy. It also suggests you might suffer from the very ailment you've attributed 2me.

If we're to switch roles for a moment and I were to take up your role as psycho-ANAL-yst, the first thing I would do is ask you to pull down your pants and then lie down on a leather chaise while I ask a series of PROBING questions at the culmination of which I would proclaim the following:

@Numeta the reason you responded to my post is because there's at least some kernel of truth to what I've written, that is you wish you were black, but since you can't be black you've decided nobody else can be either.

One of humanity's greatest neurological assets is a great affinity towards pattern recognition.

Unfortunately in the untrained mind ((((@Numeta , @REFPSI))) when left unbound it can also become one of it's greatest flaws when it begins to see patterns that aren't even there....


Be honest, do you ever get the feeling God is talking to you via your Twitter feed?

Like he's trickling down sweet honeydew drops of knowledge from a vein of his infinite wisdom?

Edit: if your subconcious were a 90s Detroit techno 12 it would be Jeff Mills - Black is the Number

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@Numeta do you like shmups?

How about psychic themed danmaku games like ESP Ra.De.?

Do you ever think there might be hidden messages encoded in the bullet patterns?

Humor me for a minute with a little Rorshach test and tell me what you see in the image above.

Is it something like this:


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