is wraith king most pickedd? im so mad I chose phoenix as most picked
Serenity looks great in game 1 but then gets crushed 22-2 against secret.
VGJ.S with a nice opening 2-0 against VG.
Optic falls 2-0 to VP, looked like pajkatt was very nervous actually.
And yeah i think WK is the most picked so far, other notables have been willow and tiny.
I expected OpTic to have yips early, I think Serenity is going to also be a LB contender.
I am floored about Fnatic
Dumb question but why is everyone now buying blink on tiny? I don’t remember seeing that much in the summit, so what changed
why the hell is arteezy playing phoenix
needed to free up farm
they have to let grant solo cast 1 game
Didn’t really get to watch any games was ench picked at all?
its most banned
oh word I kind of figured that
I hope they start banning wraith king instead lol
offlane WK those TI strats
its such a sick hero
I was actually gonna make a thread saying ench was gonna be first pick/ban that hero is fucking broken
Ench picked in EG vs IG
meant to write og vs liquid