This Toronto based ebonics slang pisses me off so much. These people sound absolutely ■■■■■■■■■ It doesn't make sense. I hate it. It projects stupidity.
what do you have against carribeans mate
Toronto g's wish they were american gangsters they try so hard and this si what we get. They sound like idiots.
Maybe the francophone gangster was within you all along
i just realized there's a fleur-de-lis on plasma's hockeystick. if he's quebecois that explains a lot
that or it's a double edged billhook
as 16th century english men-at-arms always said, keep your stick on the ice
Rofl imagine being a pasty 16th century englishman dying of diseases and not bathing and shit
Couldn’t be me xd
youre more likely to have some WASP in your blood than anyone I can think of
hey it wasn't all bad, sometimes you got to use your knowledge of farming implements to craft weapons capable of unseating those pompous rich frank horse riders
this was also after the crusades when europe suddenly remembered medicine and science existed
Now this is just false
one drop rule
hmm that was after WW2
Yo fam, eh
Yo fam, dem ting fam u know fam eh fam
More likely than anyone else was your statement
african americans are more likely to have WASP admixture than polish people or german people
Yo fam what's wasp fam eh fam
West African Small Pox