Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

Look I'd be happy to give you a crash course but I think it's worthless when we can Survey the players.

It's not my prizepool. I just don't like changing stuff other people made because i think it will "improve it".

C'est la vie

@mafiabot unsign

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@mafiabot unsign

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@mafiabot unsign

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the fact that you're confident about this when you know the setup to the point that you don't have to reference it is enough for you to tell that maybe you understand the setup better than other players

i could give a shit if the goy cabal thinks its funny to unsign. go host the game yourself






you should fnagle with the "flavor" of the game for the people who can't read.

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we should be thinking about the "new players" on this website... especially those that are illiterate. LMAO...

funny but if you're going to pretend to support them you can put more effort

It takes a total of maybe 60 seconds for the lowest IQ user on the forum to read and understand 3 reskinned roles that they've already seen 100 times over the last 10 years.

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■■■ I know you don't give a shit about the "goy cabal" but I say this with all seriousness: everyone is going to read this thread and come to the conclusion that you're complete ■■■■■■■■■■■■


this is on the tier of master/slave systemic racism insanity...

Weird because we've had this exact conversation about the roles being unintuitive back then and now!

guys... the role is called "detective" instead of "cop"... I'm too confused.


I've got better thing sto do today. Roles are randed. If we get enough serious players I'll send them out. Toodles

The best way to dismiss all criticism of your actions if when you accuse everyone of being malicious and trolls.