Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

you need to translate all the roles to spanish aswell so we can cater to users from the Global South...


Hopefully @MafiaManiac666 will sign this game since she can understand the updated roles list now.


Yeah that's fine by me lol. If you had an actual point you wouldn't have to rely on strawmans and ad homs. If other people agree with you so be it, I'm happy to not host an obfuscated setup

Apologies that it rubbed you the wrong way, I thought you were more interested in playing and winning than something that you self-admit as really pointless in the grand scheme of things

there's literally a fake thread made about this game not starting LMAO....

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I'm sorry but you're creating as big of a strawman as anyone else here.
This is on the level of "more than 9 deck slots would be too confusing" by Ben Brode.

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@mafiabot slist

Signed Players



I was interested in playing and winning 4 days ago, but the game had to be delayed further and apparently one of the reasons was because "the setup's lore was too confusing".
I understand that being an admin of a site changes your perspective, but you have to understand how ridiculous you look from the outside when 12 people agree to do something, and then you go
"I need to make this easier for you guys, here look it's simpler now"


oh my god who cares about the role names?


I've made plenty of legitimate points, none of which you humored :)

Exactly. They were never serious lol

Plenty of points to be made as well, like the fact that players are experienced has little to do with obfuscating of role titles when it's extremely uncommon unless the setup itself is common like donner party.

But you don't care about any of this stuff

Please do not dismiss my rebuttals using smiley faces, your legitimate points are just calling your players idiots.
Your "points" included coming up with a completely random role (angry lyncher) that i've never heard before and assuming people would get confused.
And then followed by "I Would Be Mind Blown If This Wasn't The Case" which is something Trump would say on a presidential debate.

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Ad Hominem

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I think you need to google what that means.

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+3 to start.

Suspicious Post


All role titles are inherently obfuscated.
Nobody knows what a "Vigilante" is until they read it the first time.
When every role in your game is a modified version of these roles, (Vindictive Vigilante, Soddy Swapper) - How are these prefixes any different than just coming up with a new name for the role?

It's like saying that we should start calling different species of birds "White Fat Bird", "Can't Fly Brown Bird"