Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

That's like saying phones are inherently obfuscated because we are not born knowing how to use it

The mental overhead you are creating is EQUAL if not WORSE.

Like sure that's possibly true but completely irrelevant in terms of understandability. You can have a phone that a techie would have trouble navigating.

That's not what I'm saying at all. You are literally just creating a brand new role name in place of a brand new role name.

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"Vindictive" or "Shoddy" mean literally nothing in the context of the mafia power roles.
Not to mention ruining the game's theme.

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Fun fact, we've ran multiple angry lhncher roles and I am like 90% sure you were in one of those games.

The issue is that some roles are an iteration on the original one, which is why I don't simply say vigilante.


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You can search in the Game subforum for the phrase "angry lyncher"

And? What makes you think that anyone would confuse "Grudge" as "Angry Lyncher" considering that Grudge is neither vigilante not angry lyncher, and does not share any similar naming.

Common 3p who must lynch one of two players to win

Appeal to ignorance

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You? Me? We're More Right

At what point does an iteration on an original role become a new role in its own right?
What do you call a combination of two roles? (Tracker + Swapper = Fallman)

Can you stop saying everything you post is fact?

I don't mind the grudge role the most out of the original names, which is why I said I'd be happy to do Vigrudgelante (kidding!) Or something else. It's besides the point

Why do you think it matters which one you mind the most? Nobody voiced any complaints but you, and you're not playing.

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Orangutan should be renamed to "Orange Jungle Man"

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Honestly I would've gladly backpedaled earlier (said I'd already do this (change role names) much earlier btw) but I don't think there's a ton of good actors in here and it makes me feel disinterested in turning the other cheek for the millionth time. Just host your own game

Like I've made the point multiple times too already, it's true, Who Cares About Role Names?

It doesn't just neutralize my point, it neutralizes yours too. And that much is obvious.