Traitor amongst Traitors spoiler graveyard

atleast chew him out when the games over

thank u

Im starting to get toxic with this environment

somehow im finding the opposite

Nah he is beyond chew out


Its draining to read 90% of people posts

They arent even clever fun its all pure toxicity

Not good for anyone to be part of this environment

i cant argue with pure toxicity not being enjoyable

i just didnt think people were being that toxic

Jenanda was kinda toxic but so was I towards him. I had fun anyway

Can you speed up the game? lol

I am just getting old Danny.

Few yeard back i could yell back and forth for days. Now it just burns me out. Plus regulars are just so sick of each other it is becoming like family fights where people have no boundries what so ever about what they say. It is cool to get an honest feedback and all but long term to have a good community you want to build respect and care instead of constant berating.

This brings out the worst not the best in us and it does effect us in more ways than you know.

I totally agree, you came right after the part where I was triggered and this has been me post-triggered, not taking the site too seriously but still feeling invested in everyone I care about. I want to build respect and care instead of constant berating which is why I'm trying to introduce more people to mafia and encouraging others to not be bad-mannered.

honestly I dont blame you at all for how pissed you are at bazinga but the dude messed up and he knows it and he'll learn from it and respect you a bit more now. I really have no idea how he read you as traitor btw lmao but the games still not over. You can still win

Talk to u in 1mo when you get banned from MU/EM again faz

Gamut made sure all the active players were dead so the game could last another 40 hours

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