Trump vs Biden debate

Everyone has a voice. Use it! To vote for Biden



Yea vote for pedophile biden who gropes kids off camera and rapes them off camera with his DNC spirit cooking buddies.

Vote for Joe Biden! The guy who sold out his country to Ukraine gas companies.

Vote for Joe Biden! THe guy who forces his family to give him 50% Of all kickbacks they get from his name!

Vote for Joe Biden! Who gets his son Hunter Biden jobs with no experience making millions! It's called pay to play btw in-case you're a fucking ■■■■■■. That's all Obama's administration did was pay to play.

Vote for Joe Biden! Whose son takes nude pictures with 10 year old cousins while smoking crack!

Vote for Joe Biden who can't remember his fucking first name if it's not on the teleprompter!

Im literally going to kill you

poopy diapy

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deutsche bank is lol

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The point is he's not going to reduce reliance on fossil fuels

Biden will increase reliance on re-education camps. Vote Biden to send off Numeta and Refpsi

gulags were a good idea and your boy wishes ayn rand was sent to one

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Go back to your shitter cave

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man if theres actually a jewish conspiracy and im not in on it ima be super sad.

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iamgining scsfs face saying that is funny





wtf is spirit cooking?

The Eric Schmidt oracle is telling me it's this:

which roughly translates to @numetaL recipes for hate:

Die Eier Von Satan

Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze tĂŒrkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillezucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
EinhundertfĂŒnfzig Gramm gemahlene NĂŒsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier

In eine SchĂŒssel geben
Butter einrĂŒhren
Gemahlene NĂŒsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten

Augenballgroße StĂŒcke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wÀlzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim

Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fĂŒr fĂŒnfzehn Minuten backen und

Bei zweihundert Grad fĂŒr fĂŒnfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..

The Eggs/Balls Of Satan

Half a cup of powdered sugar
One quarter teaspoon salt
One knife tip Turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
... and no eggs

Place in a bowl
Add butter
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough

Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
and say the Magic Words:
"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"

Place on a greased baking pan and
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes

Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
...and no eggs

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