Trump vs Biden debate


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They're going to mute the debaters tonight.
I hope they leave the camera on both of them so I can see Trump while he's muted.

JB looks like a proud great horned ram ready to ram

DT looks like tanned tough leather

He just called europe a country. Hell yeah

Notice the ties. Red and blue.

that's what they teach in american geography class

especially in NYC where children are taught their city is the center of the universe

I think they've been doing that a long time

Also that "staying in a basement" comment made me fucking guffaw laughing holy shit

sometimes they swap tie colors as a kind of weird reaching across the aisle gesture or some shit lol

"Sleepy Joe" doesn't seem so sleepy tonight.

They gave them both a little shot of that good-good before the debates i'm p sure

There's gotta be some way to keep ol Joe from sun-downing during an important debate

I think Trump is on some kind of stimulants but I don't understand how his heart/body can take it.

Neither one knows how tie an Oxford knot tie. Fail for both.

maybe some of Hunter's coke

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Imagining some DeviantArt picture of Biden as a dirty, basement-dwelling gamer

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The fact taht he called him a basement dweller not once but twice was even funnier

"And all those teachers out there, you're not gonna die from it. Don't worry about it. Come on. Come on." -Joe Biden

Trump either took a Xanax before this or he lost a lot of lung capacity and joes still a little lost

biden talking about how red states are the only ones seeing spikes LOL. Total bullshit.